
Arquitectura y situación presente en Nepal

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-Yeomans, D. 1996. The Interaction of Timber and Brick Masonry in the Kathmandu Valley, APT Bulletin, 1/2-1996, p. 74-81

Reconstrucción en Nepal tras los terremotos de 2015

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Bóvedas tabicadas

-Block P. et al. 2010. “Tile vaults for low-cost construction in Africa”. Journal of the African Technology 7/1-2, p. 4-13

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-Vegas F., Mileto C. 2016. “El panteón Soriano-Manzanet en VilaReal (Castellón)”, CyTet Vol. XLVIII, n. 190, p. 725-732

Sostenibilidad de la arquitectura vernácula

-Baker L. 2017. Manual for strong & aceptable housing. Costford

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-UN Habitat. 2014. Thin Tile Vaulting. How to build it step by step

Refuerzo estructural con fibras naturales

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-Vegas F. et al. 2013. “Natural fibres as reinforcement of gypsum compression layers”. 6th Congress Science & Technology CNR

Bóvedas de BTC (Bloques de Tierra Comprimidos)

-Gómez FJ. et al. 2017. “Optimización geométrica bóvedas de BTC”. Meyer & Nieves (ed). 16 SIACOT, FADA-UNA, ProTerra

-Ramage M. et al. 2010. “African vaults with soil-cement tiles”. Journal Shell & Spatial Structures, 51/4, p. 14-23

-Vegas, F. et al. 2018. “Early experiences for the construction of CEB vaults”. Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering 11/1, p.48-52

Mecánica y refuerzo de bóvedas en general y bajo seísmo

-Bertolesi et al.2016. Analysis of FRP-reinforced masonry arches. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 88: 189ss

-Bertolesi et al.2017. Masonry arches & vaults strengthened with TRM&FRP comp: Analysis, Composite Structures. Vol.187: 385ss

-Carozzi et al.2017. Masonry arches & vaults strengthened with TRM&FRP comp: Evaluation. Composite Structures. Vol.187: 466ss

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-Wilson, S. 2016. ‘Structural Design of Shallow Masonry Domes’ (Master’s Thesis, M.I.T., Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering